Can Office Yoga Lead You Professional Success!!

Follow Yogarsutra Can Yoga at Office Bring You Great Success!       Check here: A Complete Book On Office Yoga For Your Professional Success Work pressure in your office may hold you from giving the best performance. Deadlines appear to drain full energy. You carry this office burden back home leading some form of disturbance in your family life too!   This is where the need for change in workplace culture arises. Leading companies in the world such as Google, Apple, Yahoo, Tata, Nike, Infosys, and many others are keeping their employees more happy and productive by offering office Yoga and Meditation sessions. In turn, this  ‘happy and Productive’ workforce works hard for their employer’s great success. A successful company has successful employees. OfficeYoga is a great source of a happy and calm working environment. “Blissed out office workers are more productive”.   Digital-age is making you sit longer than ever before At least 12 hours a day we spent sitting on a chair. Majority of us start our day –studying on a study chair, breakfasting on a dining chair, balancing on a driving chair, working on an office chair and then back to the driving chair…dining chair.. study chair…endless loop! Typical office goers may spend up to 15 hours per day sitting. On the other hand, a housewife may spend 4 hours a day or a farmer may get only 3 hours a day sitting.   These stats point out that an educated person with his fixed office hours spends more time sitting on the chair. So he is living a more sedentary life,  comparison to the other people, in a different working environment.  Sitting limits the number of Calories one must Burn. On a more serious note, it may contribute to-  Severe Back Pain.     Extended sitting hours cause major professional risk in today’s information age     Even if you maintain a good body posture, your body needs some break to release muscle tension. Stress and stagnation in the joints may cause you to discomfort at the end of the day. Luckily, we can get away with this problem efficiently by taking just 30 minutes of yoga break at our workplace. This yoga  Practice will revitalize and recharge you for the rest of the hectic day ahead. Also, When we’re happy, we can thrive in our work with better focus and awakening the mind. yoga practices can also be very effective in reducing the effects of stress on our brains. It is well understood that stress is among the primary factors related to brain cell death and cognitive decline.   How  Office Yoga Accomplishes Pleasing all       Sitting in your office chair, gazing the greenery outside, doing breathing practice and setting up for office yoga. This is a better choice than watching glare from the computer screen and souring your eyes and neck. Office yoga adds a sense of calmness, reduces stress Mindfulness activities and concentrated meditations-Sharpen your focus, improve overall wellbeing A pleasing office atmosphere is more an inviting place for employees hence refraining from being absent. A happy employee returns home happily! leading a good family life.    Explanation – why office yoga is important?     Office Yoga …, What? Everyone around is pretty familiar with different forms of yoga such as -Hath Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Iyengar Yoga ..and more. But Office Yoga…(wide eyes expressions!)?   After all” Yoga is a morning ritual to be performed on empty stomach” then-   Why yoga in Office..? The answer is but simple— The need for office yoga arises out of the following situations- Totally out of “early to bed and early to rise” routine Lack of time in the morning especially for moms Laziness in some form To understand better the situations why office yoga could be a more popular choice lets perform two  obvious case studies: Case Study 1: Hema is a teacher in a renowned school in the city. Her school timings are from 7 am to 3 pm. Before leaving for work, she has to send her children to school, prepare lunch boxes for each family member. It is really too difficult to snatch out even 15 minutes for yoga. But, she gets a 30 minutes lunch break in the school and 2 free periods. Here she can optimize her time to get benefits from yoga. Case Study 2: Rishab is employed in a corporate office set up in a metro city. He has to leave home at 8 am to reach his office at 10 am. It takes a minimum of 2 hrs to commute between home and office, in a busy city full of traffic jams. So in the morning, he can’t concentrate completely on his yoga session because of the anxiety to reach office on time. But during lunchtime in the office, he is half done with his work and quite relaxed. At this time he can practice office yoga.   The two scenario study is simply to make you understand that the need for office yoga is a demand in the modern culture. The emphasis is on keeping yourself happy and stress-free living. How to Prepare for the office yoga   1. You may need to customize your surroundings a bit, to get a yoga-friendly place, either oneself in your chamber or with your like-minded colleagues at some common well-ventilated place. 2. Principally, yoga practice is to be performed on the almost empty stomach, but in the office, you can relish something healthy like banana and yogurt…but some gap is needed in any case. 3. You can feel more freshen up and relax with a splash of cold water on the face. 4. Bring awareness and be present. Randomly check the atmosphere- Is it clean!  smells good!! calm!!- just notice. Make everything a part of your practice—even the noise and discomfort too!                Master the Skills of Office Yoga and Be Successful Get ready to get rid of the –stiff shoulders,  neck, itchy eyes, sour back, jammed hips, … Continue reading Can Office Yoga Lead You Professional Success!!