Introducing A Revolutionary Method Of Stress Management Through Yoga

Why You Need The”Stress Management Through Yoga” Stress is one of the most talked-about terms nowadays. The elements which cause stress are called stressors. From getting up in the morning then back to your bed, you may come across various types of stressors. These inevitable stressors may surface in any form. Stress management is a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies to control a person’s level of stress. Here more emphasis is on stress management through yoga. Studies have shown that tuning your mind and body with mindfulness and compassion, enables you to cope with stress and have a positive relationship with it. Stress has a negative impact on our overall health and causes one of the highest health expenditures, after heart diseases and cancer. Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. That said if you buy using them, we will earn a small commission without costing you a dime. No need to stress:) RELATED: HOW YOGA AND MEDITATION BALANCE YOUR BODY CHAKRA Dr.Hans Selye, a pioneered researcher in the studies of stress, wittingly defined the stress as- “Everyone knows what stress is, but nobody really knows” –> Check here “Diffuser Necklace Essential Oil Container Pendant Necklace” another stress and anxiety buster in the form of Aromatherapy. Stress spoils Quality of Life This elaborates that stress is difficult to define as it can vary between individuals. You might have felt stress before appearing in an exam. Your heartbeat increases and sweating occurs. This is happening in order to increase the supply of blood and hence the oxygen to your brain and other body parts. Now if you know the techniques to manage these symptoms by yoga, deep breathing and meditation, this stress may make you a winner with excellent grades. On the other hand, if you are not prepared for such situations, the stress may harm you by increasing blood pressure and anxiety. Which may result in the form of depression.   In fact, it is the perception of stress which matters more than the stress itself. Experiencing a reasonable amount of stress as a challenge is quite different from the stress-causing us depression. Thus our responsiveness during stressful situations has a big impact on our health. Hence this is the reason stress management is important for everyone on a personal level.   Yoga practices prepare us to manage the stress head-on and in balanced manners. Learning to notice the stress response and shifting your feelings from uneasiness to the positive energy is important for our health and well being. Hans Selye further said “it’s not our stress that kills us. It’s our reaction to it”. hOW YOGA HELPS TO MANAGE WITH OUR STRESS     Yoga helps us to see positive sides of the stress, at the same time cope- up with the negative one. We must learn to see stress as preparing our mind and body to deal with difficult situations and make us more alert and wakeful, a  necessary condition for survival. An appropriate amount of stress raises our alertness and lets us focus on the task at hand. This is a physiological system and is necessary for our survival. Stress can be managed to increase our productivity. Yoga keeps a check on regular and sustained stress and prevents it to be unceasing and causing sickness. Our body reacts to the stress with an increased amount of cortisol and blood pressure then quickly returns to the normalcy. Hence we can’t avoid stress but manage it. Once again referring to Hans Selye, he further quoted as “the absence of stress is death. Only death has no stress.” And sometimes stress causes death. So managing our stress response is vital. Check here the “Stainless Steel Aromatherapy Locket Jewelry Pearl Chain Anxiety Whistle Necklace”. So now get ready and hold your breath( release too!) because I am taking you to a long but fulfilling journey to live a life where stress will be a boon. Because if you read this till the end, You will learn the best practices of the stress management through yoga. I would like to introduce you these two excellent and proven methods for stress management.   Yogasana (yoga poses) Yognidra(yogic sleep)   While the above two methods are explained separately, they are the part of the same discipline- The Yoga. Explaining their significance, how to do and their benefits separately will keep the things clear and easy to manage in your daily practice for a stress-free life.   Also, performing both of them in one go may need you to find massive time management system and causing another kind of stress. Pause! You are here for stress management, not enhancement!!   So what will you do? You will mix and merge them wisely as per your need and time. Go for a weekly schedule for achieving maximum benefits out of these wonderful stress management techniques. Which specific yoga poses to Practice for stress management? –>Check here the “Sleep & Relaxation Essential Oil Blend for Aromatherapy Scents & Diffuser “.   While deciding the most appropriate yoga regime to follow, for stress management is not easy. It is a good practice to follow the complete yoga flow which starts with the standing pose like Tadasana (Mountain Pose) to the sleeping pose like Shavasana (Corpse Pose). In between these two poses,  flows the yoga stream comprising a number of standing, inversions and seated poses.  Eventually, it’s not possible for each one to perform the complete yoga flow each day, and even more difficult for a person who is already stressed, because stress is known to betray us from doing something, which is more meaningful and subtle for leading a happy life.  So when I am stressed and feel like doing nothing I put my Respiratory System to work. A few breathing cycles refresh my brain enough to unwrap my Yoga Mat.  Once on the mat, the magic starts. Depending on the time and situations, my preferred poses for managing stress are following-           Find the … Continue reading Introducing A Revolutionary Method Of Stress Management Through Yoga