Miracle: Human Body-Mindfulness, Meditation


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Lucky Soul, My Forewords-How Yoga, Mindfulness, and Meditation Affect Your Digestive System



yoga mindfulness meditation work on human anatomy and positively affects the digestive system.
Mindfulness, Meditation

We are the luckiest of all creatures as we have possession of a human body, which truly is a miracle. No other species can claim the same as they don’t have the very system needed for this.

Either the communication system or that brain ( manipulative, boasting and confident). Although the truth is that all species have their own communication system which only they understand.

Many animals and birds lovers have experienced this wonderful feeling. In other words, we can say that communication basically is an inter-species phenomenon. The intra-species communication occurs in the form of gestures.


The Power Of Mindfulness Meditation


Mindfulness Meditation and Digestive System



But there was a section of the community which could communicate with birds, animals and up to the certain extent with extraterrestrial bodies ( not aliens ). We can, without any doubt, give credit to YOGIS for their extraordinary abilities to accomplish those magical tasks.

Yogis are wonderful people, not only for their abilities to put their bodies in different yogasnas and postures but for their life devoted to the wellness and upliftment of the universe by utilizing the extraordinary powers they had.

This extraordinary power they achieved through sustained practices of mindfulness and yogaBefore indulging much in yoga, first I would like to elaborate the term mindfulness.



Mindfulness Meditation
Morning Yoga

Mindfulness means paying attention to present moment on purpose and without prejudications or judgment. That actually means to live in the present moment without worrying about the future or slugging about the past.

Practicing mindfulness  is living peacefully and successfully in present.”      


So we can bring mindfulness to every moment of our lives,  not just for a few minutes.

“Our life unfolds only in moments.” (Jon Kabat-Zinn)

If we are always present for all the precious moments, we will never miss the opportunity, when it will knock our doors. Then only we would realize the richness and depth of all the possibilities for growth and transformation.


“Mindfulness kills anxiety and depression.”

Mindfulness Meditation

Studies have shown that those who practice mindfulness have less anxiety and depression, lower stress, better concentration, and self-regulation.

Such people socialize better and have a pleasing personality. They leave a positive impact on the society.

Mindfulness increases our mental health, and strengthen our social connectivity. William James, the godfather of psychology said,

“The education of attention would be the education par excellence.”

Yoga by Parts, Physiology of Yoga

Yoga mindfulness meditation and digestive system are interrelated.
Our Organs

Meditation and mindfulness are recommended for an excellent mental health. Similarly, exercise and yoga are needed for good physical health. Although separating these activities is a tough job.

Yoga can be in a certain way explained by anatomy. Yoga postures work on the whole body. Here is a brief explanation of the impact of different asanas on our body parts, very compact physiology of yoga poses.



yoga ,mindfulness, meditation help our digestive system to work properly.










Yoga and Digestive System

Yoga mindfulness meditation and Digestive System are interrelated.
Digestive system

The digestive tract is a series of hollow organs joined in a long,
a twisting tube that includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach,
small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus.

Organs that help with digestion, but are not part of the digestive tract include the tongue, saliva glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. Parts of other organ systems, such as the nerves and blood also play a major role in the digestive process.

Digestive system provides nutrients to all the cells in the body and energizes the full body. Thus well functioning of this system ensures the proper flow of nutrients in the body.

Asanas like forward and backward bends, spinal twists, inversions strengthen the digestive organs and their supporting muscles.

A most important aspect of yoga is the correct breathing pattern, an essence of yoga. Proper breathing maintains the moment of the diaphragm and other connected abdominal muscles.

Yoga mindfulness meditation and your digestive systems are interrelated

A diaphragm in motion provides a gentle massage to the digestive organs such as liver, pancreas, spleen enabling the proper blood circulation and getting rid of the waste products.

Read: How Yoga And Meditation Balance Your Body Chakras

That is why it is so important to follow the instructions given by a learned yoga instructor about the breathing correctly.

Yoga poses work on the soft tissues of the body. When the organs of the digestive system are compressed in poses, stale and waste-bearing fluids in those areas are encouraged out of the tissues. Once these materials are freed up, the body is better able to eliminate them.

When an area is opened or stretched out in a yoga pose, new life-giving nutrients are able to circulate into the cells. In this systematic way, yoga poses massage the vital organs associated with the digestive system.

The Digestive System = The food  recipient + The food mixer and churner+ The nutrient succer+ waste remover

The chief goal of the digestive system is to break down huge macromolecules (proteins, fats, and starch) which cannot be absorbed intact, into smaller molecules (amino acids, fatty acids and glucose) that can be absorbed across the wall of the tube and into the circulatory system for dissemination throughout the body.

The process begins in the mouth, where food and liquids are taken in and are completed in the small intestine. There are four basic steps in the process:


Ingestion: Taking in and chewing food. Chewing food properly is important, as the enzymes
in the saliva start the process of the food digestion.

Digestion: The movement of food through the digestive tract in combination with a chemical breakdown of large molecules of food into smaller molecules.

• Absorption: Nutrients become available to all cells in the body and are utilized by the body cells in metabolism.

• Elimination: The removal of indigestible waste in the form of urine or feces.

Better Food Choices for Better Digestion

One of the ways that Yoga contributes to healthy digestion is that you develop better observation skills and proper eating habits.  That means yoga enhances your decision- making abilities regarding

  •    What to eat?
  •    When to eat ? AND
  •    How much to eat?

With the ability to proper eating habits and making healthier food choices, half the work towards healthy and happy living is achieved.

Conclusion- Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation, And Digestion

Yoga, mindfulness, meditation and digestive system

The above short discussion on yoga and meditation has logical expressions and backup from the plenty of stats. It is not just a moment of fad or a sort of health craze.

Researchers have proved that there exists a direct link between yoga practices and improved cardiovascular health, digestive health, cognitive health and much more. There is scientific evidence that mindfulness meditation has impacts on our Gene Expressions!

Although the science behind this age-old practice is under development, yet the evidence-based, well-known benefits of meditation are omnipotent.

Thus, Mighty Meditation and Mindfulness

  • Reduces pain
  • Controls Blood pressure
  • Boosts body immune system
  • Eases Inflammation
  • Sharpens brain
  • Increases Focus
  • Empowers cognitive functions
  • Boosts willpower


Mindfulness Meditation is the core of a happy and fulfilled life. You must make it an essential part of your life.


Must read on yoga by anatomy-science of yoga

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  • hema

    true….we must look forward for such practices for good health. article is really a pocket health key..keep it up.

  • sushil sharma

    Good job done excellent research on human anatomy
    keep it up.

    • Thanks a lot for following the yoga.I hope you had a good time.

  • Scientifically explained great .good article. Yes yoga is a miracle not only for our physical wellness but also for our mental n spiritual wellness.

    • Thanks a lot for your comments Chhavi, keep coming back for more useful contents.You will get useful downloads to save for future reading.

  • Sujata Agarwal

    Wow! Motivational thought.Half is done and eagerly waiting for next.

    • Thanks a lot for reviewing.yes next one is coming soon.

  • Pushpa Sachan

    Very nice.

    • Pls, keep coming.It has valuable information for you.

    • Thanks a lot.Pls, come back to the site again to visit “Yoga and circulatory system”.

  • Jyoti sachan

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    • Thanks a lot.Pls, keep coming back for more useful information.

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        • Yes, I understand.Thanks for your concern.

  • Dr jayeeta grover

    Indeed a very informative blog with an in-depth essence. Will be looking forward for more writeups soon.

    • Thanks a lot.Your comments and suggestions are valuable to me.There is a recently published blog on “yoga and circulatory system”.Please take some time to go through it.

  • Renu Sud

    Ur blog is nice , quite informative n will help ppl to understand yoga n it’s advantages.
    Will be waiting for more stuff.

    • Thanks a lot.Pls check my next one and let me know if it helped you anyway.

  • Palak Agrawal

    Very well written and explained as well. Truly a useful and high class content especially for the beginners who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The consolidated knowledge of yoga will help people seeking yoga connection with their bodies.

    • Thanks, Palak.Tell me how it made a little difference in your normal life.Next blog is also published Pls go through it.

  • Pushplata tiwari

    Very nice mam..really it gives a very useful information to us……well done and keep it up……

    • Thanks.Have you started absorbing yoga?Start from a very simple thing.That simple thing you will come across very soon, a downloadable pdf file.

  • Praveen Kumar Mishra

    It must be nessesary for every body because medication is important for every body.it controls our mind and other body parts.

    • Thanks a lot.Get indulged with yoga and realise that it integrates our mind and body, more than controlling it.

  • Write some good easy exercises which can help in improving the digestive system

    • The best and easiest one for our digestion is very frequent” deep inhaling and slow exhaling” few times a day.Very soon you will get some more on the same topic.

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  • Sanjai Verma

    Good job done,

    • Thanks for your note.Please be generous in writing some more words. Your suggestions are very valuable to us.

  • Really very enlighting and your stuff is a panacea ..Thank you

    • Thanks Manali. This blog is going to evolve into a “solution for ailments related” to digital age. Manali have you ever faced any kind of discomfort while using any of the digital devices.Pls let me know. There is a yogic solution available.I will try my best to help you.

  • I really support Yoga it is very important for the overall development and well being of an individual. Being a very simple and harmless exercise it creates a great impact on the health of an individual….. I am really thankful for this piece of blog and really helped me a lot and I came to know about soo many things.. I am now waiting for the next one to arrive 😊😊

    • Thanks Pankhuri.Yes next one is comming soon where you will come across some yoga poses related to betterment of our specific organs.

  • Tasveer

    Creative writing and very informative & motivational lierature on yoga & it’s benefit.Mam kindly give us some more information

    • Pragati

      Very nice article, thoughtful, giving awareness

      • Thanks a lot.Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

    • Thanks Tasveer. Definately plenty more is coming soon.Pls keep comming back to visit my site.

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About Author

Rashmi is a certified Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer, Advanced Chakra Healer, Spiritual and PLRT Therapist, Yin Yoga And Pilates Instructor from India.

For result oriented health and nutrition coaching through Yoga and Reiki Healing in combination with other healing modalities, please check out Yogarsutra Healing Studio.

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