How To Thoracic Breathing – A Comprehensive Guide to Improve Lung Capacity


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If you're looking to enhance your lungs capacity and overall respiratory health, you're at the right place. Here’s an exciting topic for you – How to thoracic breathing and its health benefits.

"Ever wondered about "the powerhouse" that your lung capacity is? It's like the fuel tank for your breath, and when you go all out in taking that deep inhale, you're tapping into what we call total lung capacity (TLC). For the average humans, that's cruising at about 6 liters.

But here's the fascinating part – your age, gender, how you're made up in height, weight and width... and even the ethnic background play a part in giving each of us our unique lungs capacity range.

It's like our breath fingerprint, cool, huh?"

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Now, let's get started with this comprehensive guide on thoracic breathing.

How To Thoracic Breathing - A Comprehensive Guide to Improve Lung Capacity

Understanding Thoracic Breathing

"First let us understand, what exactly is thoracic breathing?

 It's a breathing technique that focuses on the expansion and contraction of the chest, involving the ribcage and upper lungs. 

Unlike abdominal breathing, which emphasizes on the movement of diaphragm, thoracic breathing targets the upper part of your respiratory system.

 Benefits of Thoracic Breathing

Now, let us see the major health benefits of thoracic breathing. Thoracic breathing helps increase lungs capacity, improve oxygen intake, and even reduces stress by engaging the parasympathetic nervous system. 

While it's essential to have a balanced breathing pattern that includes diaphragmatic breathing, thoracic breathing can offer the following specific health benefits:

Improved Lung Capacity

Thoracic breathing emphasizes the upper part of the lungs, which can enhance lung capacity.

 This increased capacity allows for more efficient oxygen exchange and can be beneficial for individuals engaging in activities that demand higher respiratory effort.

Enhanced Oxygenation

 By focusing on the chest area, thoracic breathing can bring in more air per breath, increasing oxygen intake.

This can be particularly advantageous during times of increased physical exertion or when a quick energy boost is needed.

Stress Reduction

Thoracic breathing can contribute to stress reduction by releasing tension in the chest and upper body. This style of breathing is often associated with a relaxation response, making it helpful for managing stress and anxiety.

Improved Posture

 Thoracic breathing encourages an awareness of the chest and ribcage, promoting better posture

The act of expanding the rib cage during inhalation can contribute to an open chest and upright posture, reducing strain on the neck and shoulders.

Strengthening Respiratory Muscles

Thoracic breathing engages the intercostal muscles between the ribs. Regular practice can contribute to the strength and flexibility of these muscles, supporting overall respiratory function.

Increased Alertness

 The quick exchange of gasses associated with thoracic breathing can provide a rapid influx of oxygen, promoting alertness and heightened awareness. 

This can be advantageous in situations requiring increased focus and concentration.

Support for Certain Yoga Practices 

In yoga, thoracic breathing is often incorporated into specific practices, contributing to the expansion of the chest during various postures. 

This can enhance the overall benefits of yoga, such as increased flexibility and mindfulness.

So, let's understand the right way of doing thoracic breathing.

How To Thoracic Breathing 


  •  Start by sitting comfortably in a cross legged position.
  • Put one of your hands on your chest. 
  •  Inhale deeply, expanding your chest as much as possible. 
  • Hold for a few seconds, then exhale slowly.
  • Repeat this for several breaths."

Tips for Better Thoracic Breathing

 To make the most of the thoracic breathing, always consider doing it on an empty stomach and in a relaxed mood, preferably with a short yoga practice.

Also follow these few more tips:

Good Upright Posture 

   Maintain good posture. Sit erect  allowing your lungs to fully expand without restriction.

 Practice Consistently

   Incorporate thoracic breathing into your daily routine. Consistency is key to reaping the benefits."

Wrapping Up- How To Thoracic Breathing 

Thoracic breathing can significantly improve lungs capacity and overall respiratory health. 

While thoracic breathing offers these advantages, it's crucial to balance it with diaphragmatic breathing for a comprehensive respiratory approach. Incorporating a variety of breathing techniques into your routine can contribute to overall respiratory health and well-being.

I've covered the techniques and tips with major health benefits.

Now it's time for you to give it a try! Remember, taking those slow and deep breaths. If you found this post helpful, share it with anyone looking to boost their lungs function. 

If you have specific health concerns or conditions, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified health and nutrition coach  for personalized guidance.

"If you have any questions or want to share your experiences with thoracic breathing, leave a comment down below. And as always, take care of yourselves.

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About Author

Rashmi is a certified Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer, Advanced Chakra Healer, Spiritual and PLRT Therapist, Yin Yoga And Pilates Instructor from India.

For result oriented health and nutrition coaching through Yoga and Reiki Healing in combination with other healing modalities, please check out Yogarsutra Healing Studio.

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