Breathe Up: How To Clavicle Breathing for Mind and Body Bliss, Asthma Relief


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 Welcome back to Yogarsutra Healing Studio, where we explore the art of mindful living. Today, we’re delving into a breathwork technique that might just elevate your entire being – CLAVICLE BREATHING.”





“So, what exactly is clavicle breathing? 

Clavicule breathing is a breathing technique that emphasises the expansion of the upper chest or the clavicle region during inhalation.”

This breathing technique is best done in a seated meditative posture like Sukhasana or Lotus Pose.

In case you have problem in sitting on the floor, you can sit on the chair.

Yogis used this technique for highest yogic practices like Dharna and dhyana

This is also an immensely helpful practice for students to enhance their learning abilities.

To be precise clavicle breathing is the third level of dirgha Pranayama, i.e. three parts breath also known as full yogic breathing. 

“Full Yogic breathing is a combination of abdominal breathing, thoracic breathing, and clavicle breathing.”


Therefore, it is important to learn about abdominal breathing and thoracic breathing properly before practising clavicular breathing.

In case of abdominal breathing, abdominal movement is involved, thoracic breathing engages the thoracic or chest region of the body, whereas the clavicular breathing involves rhythmic movements in upper lobes of lungs.

Learn more about abdominal breathing here and thoracic breathing here.

In daily life clavicule breathing is useful after certain strenuous ,activities like running marathons, cardio exercises, obstruction in airways which has asthma.

It works fabulous in controlling breath and finding the right kind of breathing habits to increase oxygen intake.

Clavicle breathing is not only easy but can be done anytime especially if you wish to cool down your nervous system and activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

This kind of breathing requires a subtle alignment of all kinds of senses such as feeling and hearing. You can feel the moment at the shoulders and clavicle with full awareness.

 Being aware of your breathing can slow down the rate of respiration and establish a relaxed rhythm of breath.

Benefits Of Clavicular Breathing

How To Clavicle Breathing for Asthma Relief And Mind and Body Bliss.

It provides an appropriate amount of oxygen really quickly for the athletes and for the people suffering from different kinds of breathlessness symptoms such as in asthma.

Asthma might cause allergies in the airways and lungs, this Pranayama helps to strengthen lungs and its capacity, this further facilitates deep breathing.

With the stronger clavicular muscles the upper lobes of the lungs get a more adequate amount of oxygen.

When this breath work is done with full awareness on shoulders and collarbone area the surrounding muscles relax and may ease frozen shoulders.

Clavicular breathing also helps to increase focus and help to clear the mind and pave the way for meditation.

Clavicular breathing focuses on the entire area of the neck and shoulders which in turn stimulate the throat chakra and crown chakra which brings balance to the endocrine system addressing issues related to thyroid conditions.

 Regular practice of clavicle breathing can keep your lungs well ventilated and prevent from the various lungs infections.

Pregnant women might face problems with breathing due to hormonal changes

Clavicular breathing supports in immediate oxygen supply whenever the body lacks energy in the form of prana.

However this practice should be done along with the abdominal breathing to utilise the full lungs capacity.

So always start with abdominal breathing followed by thoracic breathing and finally clavicular breathing.

This is how you can utilise your lungs capacity at its maximum.

This breathing is also highly recommended for the students to combat anxiety, depression and migraine pain.


If you want to know in detail, here are some more fantastic real life benefits of clavicular breathing; 

or you can skip this section.




 Clavicle breathing engages those upper chest muscles, helping release tension and promoting a sense of calm.




 The extra oxygen hitting your upper lungs can revitalise your brain, making it a fantastic tool for moments requiring heightened concentration.”



Need a bootstrap pick-me-up? 

Clavicle breathing can give you a rapid infusion of oxygen… 

“Waking Up Your Body And Mind”.

How To Clavicle Breathing 

Let me show you how it’s done. 

But first…

As you breathe in, visualise and feel your upper chest rising, allowing your collarbones to lift. It’s like your breath is reaching for the sky.

Here’s a step by step guide on how to master Clavicle Breathing.

Sit Or Stand Comfortably

  Find a relaxed position. 

Sit cross legged on a yoga mat or on a chair or stand with your shoulders relaxed.

Place your hands on your clavicles

  •  Gently rest your hands on the collarbone area, just above your chest.
  • Inhale Slowly Through Your Nose.
  •  Take a slow, deep breath through your nose. Feel your chest and collarbones rise.
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Release the breath slowly through your mouth, allowing your chest to gently fall.
  • Focus on the clavicle movement.
  • Pay attention to the subtle rise and fall of your clavicles. They should move upward as you inhale and downward as you exhale.
  • Avoid using your shoulders.
  • Try to minimise shoulder movement. 
  • Let the clavicles guide the breath without lifting your shoulders excessively.
  • Repeat for several breaths.
  •  Continue this clavicle breathing pattern for a few breaths, maintaining a slow and controlled rhythm.
  • Combine with diaphragmatic breathing.
  •  For a fuller breath experience, combine clavicle breathing with diaphragmatic breathing.
  •  Inhale, allowing your abdomen to expand, then let the breath fill your chest and finally reach your clavicles.
  • Relax and observe. 
  • After several breaths, relax and observe how you feel. 
  • Clavicle breathing can bring awareness to the upper chest and promote a sense of calm.
  • Use clavicle breathing when you need a quick relaxation technique or want to focus on the upper chest area.
  •  It’s a simple practice that can be done throughout the day to promote mindful breathing.

Wrapping Up- Clavicular Breathing

You must be clever enough to utilise the full benefits of clavicular breathing!

 However, it should not become automatic and habit forming.

When this type of breathing becomes automatic, and the body adjusts volume and rate as it does in diaphragmatic breathing. 

Chest breathing might negatively damage the muscles in the neck, chest, and shoulder area to become tight and weak. 

This might impose a serious problem in long terms as the lungs are given less room to expand or contract and that the body must work harder.

 As breath volume is lowered, respiration rate must be rapid in order for the body to maintain balance. 

From this you can realise that chest breathing can create stress and vice versa.

However, a regular time bound practice of this breathing can bring a number of above described benefits.


“Now, how can you bring clavicle breathing into your routine? 

It’s simple. You can do it seated, standing, or even integrate it into your yoga practice. Find what feels right for you.”

“And there you have it – the art of clavicle breathing. It’s not just a breath; it’s a pathway to a calmer, more focused, and energised you. 

If you found this post helpful, don’t forget to hit that like button and subscribe for more mindful living tips. Until next time, breathe deep and live mindfully. 


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About Author

Rashmi is a certified Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer, Advanced Chakra Healer, Spiritual and PLRT Therapist, Yin Yoga And Pilates Instructor from India.

For result oriented health and nutrition coaching through Yoga and Reiki Healing in combination with other healing modalities, please check out Yogarsutra Healing Studio.

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