Restorative Yoga For Relaxed Nervous System| Yoga And Energy Healing From Post Corona Recovery, Part 4


Table of Contents

 Restorative yoga for relaxed nervous system will help you to calm your mind and relax after an illness like Corona. Welcome to Day 4 of yoga and energy healing from the post corona recovery series. 

If you haven’t read the previous three posts of the series, I highly recommend you to do so. You can find all the links below👇

Part 1: Yoga And Energy Healing For Post Covid Recovery

Part 2: Yoga, Pranayama, And Reiki Healing For Post Covid Recovery

Part 3: Vinyasa Yoga Flow For Post Covid Recovery

Restorative Yoga For Post Corona Recovery #Reiki_healing #restorative_yoga

We have already rejuvenated through several yoga kriyas and Pranayama or breathwork in previous series. 

However, today’s yoga flow is special because of its restorative and calming nature. 


What Benefits Restorative Yoga May Offer…

As the name suggests, this style of yoga “restores” the body to its parasympathetic nervous system function, which, in turn, helps the body to rest, heal, and restore balance. 

By allowing time for longer asanas and deeper breathing, restorative yoga is the best form of yoga to heal from all kinds of illnesses. 

Just surround yourself with several props such as bolsters, yoga blocks, pillows, cushions, blankets to name a few.

Best Restorative Yoga For A Relaxed  Nervous System


Now Unroll the yoga mat. Let’s start with the supported child’s Pose.

For “how to do and benefits” of each posture, please download my yoga posture library 👇


Child’s Pose

Child's Pose: Restorative yoga for post covid recovery

Slip a bolster between your folded legs and lean forward on it for the supported child’s pose.

When your body feels completely supported, you can easily turn your attention  towards your breath.

 Like a wave, each breath will rise and fall on its own. You are free to rest your mind on the waves of your breath. 

Throughout each pose, let your attention move back and forth between the earth-like qualities of your body and the fluid-like qualities of your breath.

Child’s pose gently stretches your spine, thighs, hips, and ankles.

Along with conscious breathing, the child’s pose can calm your mind, reduce anxiety and fatigue and increase blood circulation to your head.

The light compression on your stomach in this pose improves digestion.

This posture also helps to release tension in your lower back muscles, chest, hamstrings, and shoulders.

Cobra Pose

Leg U Cobra pose: Restorative yoga for post covid recovery

Slip a bolster below the chest and feel a mini backbend in Cobra Pose.

A cobra pose like this Strengthens the spine, stretches the chest, lungs, shoulders, and abdomen.

Regular practice of Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana tones the buttocks,

Stimulates abdominal organs,

helps relieve stress and fatigue, and opens the heart and lungs.

Unfortunately, if the illness has stressed you quite long and you have passed through the unpleasant experience of staying in hospital, taking steroids and other medicines, your body and mind knows that you need to do something for yourself to promote the process of healing, to push the willpower and to overcome from the feelings of not feeling well!



Resting postures in Yoga have equal importance as does any intense yoga posture.

Crocodile Pose (Makarasana) is a beginner’s yoga pose that relaxes the entire body and helps relieve pain related to other yoga poses or some activities. By lying on your stomach with your chest and shoulders resting, you let go of tension in the lower back and open up your chest and shoulders simultaneously.

“Well-propped restorative poses can offer us the experience of being cradled and protected while providing the opportunity for deep relaxation and rejuvenation”. This also allows our parasympathetic nervous system to initiate the relaxation response—something that only happens when we feel supported..  


Matsyasana: Restorative yoga for post covid recovery

Slip a bolster just under your bra-strap lean over in a chest opener yoga posture known as Matsyasana or fish pose.

“A traditional text states that Matsyasana is the 

Destroyer Of All Diseases


This posture,

  • Stretches the deep hip flexors (psoas) and the muscles (intercostals) between the ribs.
  • Stretches and stimulates the muscles of the belly and front of the neck.
  • Stretches and stimulates the organs of the belly and throat.

Leg Up The Wall

Leg Up The Wall Yoga Posture: Restorative yoga for post covid recovery

Inverted yoga postures are always a great way to relax the mind and increase energy.


Raising your legs up against a wall or on a couch  in viparita karani yoga posture can help to relax your mind and improve hormonal function, relieve headache, migraines, and

  • Alleviate low back tightness and discomfort.
  • Relieve leg and feet cramps.
  • Promote lymph flow and increase immunity.

Props keep us integrated and held, creating a deeper sense of stability and safety, which enables us to diffuse the efforts we use to hold ourselves unshaken.


Reiki Healing with the Master Reiki Symbol Dai Ko Myo…

Restorative yoga for post covid recovery #Reiki_healing #restorative_yoga_for_illness_recovery

( Heal yourself with the reiki master symbol DaI Ko Myo with this video)

Before you start this practice, it is important to know that I am a 

 Advanced Chakra and Master Reiki Healer.  I am attuned to energy healing. During the healing process, you may feel the tickling sensations in your palms, legs or any other body parts due to the Reiki energy flowing through your body. This is also normal if you don’t feel anything at all. Most importantly you are not going to be harmed with this healing session.


  • Sit down comfortably or Lie on your back.
  • Take a deep breath in and breathe out slowly from your mouth. 
  • Breath in and breathe out gently from your mouth and prepare yourself for the wonderful Reiki healing session. 
  • Today I am going to use the Master Reiki Symbol Dai Ko Myo
  • This symbol has powerful healing effects by multiplying the energy manifold.
  • Before applying this signal, I am drawing and activating the distance Reiki symbol, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. 
  • This symbol connects the higher self in me to the higher self in you to promote enlightenment and peace.
  • Next, I am drawing and activating the emotional symbol Dai Ko Myo.
  • Now I have placed this master reiki symbol on your Crown Chakra just by opening it.
  • You can feel your Sahasrara energized and balanced.
  • My hand movements symbolize the actions I’m taking during the energy healing process.
  • Moving up to the third eye chakra, I am placing the emotional symbol between your eyebrows.
  • This action is balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
  • Dai Ko Myo, the master symbol is now energizing your Throat Chakra.
  • Giving a healing effect to your throat, neck, jaws, ears, and nose.
  • Reiki energy is now rejuvenating your Heart Chakra, making you physically, mentally, and spiritually stronger and helping you to connect with others easily.
  • Now you can feel reiki energy in your Solar Plexus Chakra, just below your rib cage.
  • Reiki energy is now helping you to fight any kind of addiction, physical as well as emotional.
  • Following this, You can feel sensations in your Sacral Chakra just below the navel in your womb area.
  • This energy is raising your Kundalini energy, the energy coiled at the base of the spine.
  • Moving down your Root Chakra is taken care of by the reiki power symbol Dai Ko Myo.
  • Filling your lower body with a lot of strength, empowering your feeling of security and being rooted.
  • Your legs are now receiving plenty of blood circulation. 
  • You can feel tingling sensations in the sole of your feet.

Now that I have healed your entire body energetically with the reiki master symbol Dai Ko Myo, all your weaknesses vanished. You are experiencing the feeling of joy and a willingness to thrive in your day in a much better way.

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Wrapping Up- Restorative Yoga For Relaxed Nervous System

Thanks for being with me on your mat and allowing me to heal you energetically.

Don’t forget to watch the video on YouTube, which is on the same topic- Yoga, Pranayama, and reiki healing for post corona recovery part II.

Please 🏵️subscribe🏵️ to my channel to support the free and fabulous yoga on YouTube!

I would appreciate you to be a part of my “newly formed wonderful community” and follow me on PINTERESTFACEBOOK, and TWITTER.

Namaste 🙏❤️ Yogis!

Namaste 🙏❤️ Yogis!


Picture Credits:

Luna Activate Fitness


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About Author

Rashmi is a certified Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer, Advanced Chakra Healer, Spiritual and PLRT Therapist, Yin Yoga And Pilates Instructor from India.

For result oriented health and nutrition coaching through Yoga and Reiki Healing in combination with other healing modalities, please check out Yogarsutra Healing Studio.

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