How To Do Uttanasana And What Are Its Benefits?


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How to do uttanasana a.k.a. standing forward bend and its benefits.

Explore Your Today’s Yoga Pose And Learn How To Do Uttanasana

Ever thought about having your heart a level up than the head? What if our brain, face, and mane get more blood than legs and rest of the lower body? And at the same time heart is making least effort into the blood pumping deal? The brain will turn sharper and calmer, the face will glow and hair will shine! Right…? Well if you learn how to do Uttanasana a.k.a. Standing Forward Bend, all above said things could be possible, as in case of any other yoga inversion such as Head Stand and Sarvangasana…

Another truth is that we’re better up-right because we need the most efficient legs to accomplish the task assigned due to the power of our brain. Also, human combustion tank a.k.a. digestive system needs to receive an appropriate amount of blood circulation. Which is possible only when the heart is pumping enough blood to this area. That said we need to stay head over heel for a few minutes only. That said all about the nature of Uttanasana yogis, you’re at the right place if you’re keen to know the benefits and how to do Uttanasana.

Let’s Split This Pose- the Uttanasana

उत्तानासन (Uttanasana) is a Sanskrit word, can be split as Ut- Powerful, Tan- to Stretch, and Asana- Yoga Posture.

Literally, the Uttanasana means an intense Standing Forward Bend. Most amazing benefits you find in doing Uttanasana regularly is because of its inversion nature. This can render amazing physical and mental health benefits. Can heel and rejuvenate by providing a rush of oxygen flow to the upper body.

Must-Know Things Before You Do the Standing Forward Bend

This pose should be done on an empty stomach like any other yoga pose. Morning is the best time for your practice. However, it can also be performed in the evening. Just remember to wait for three to four hours after a full meal.



Let’s Get into the Uttanasana

Level: Intermediate
Style: Hatha Yoga
Duration: 15 to 30 seconds
Stretches: Hips, Hamstrings, Calves, Back, and Neck
Strengthens: Knees, Thighs, and back

How to Do Uttanasana

How to do UTTANASANA a.k.a. standings forward bend.

  • On your Yoga Mat, Stand in upright Posture.
  • Rest your hands on sides of the hips.
  • Take a deep breath in and with an exhale gently bend forward, from your hips joints.
  • Firm your feet on the mat by spreading the toes.
  • Leave your knees soft and stretch the butts up.
  • Let the hands rest on the ground by the sides of feet.
  • Alternatively, insert both of the hands under the respective feet for an intense Uttanasana.
  • If you feel a hamstring stretch, don’t afraid. This is the most obvious and positive outcome of a forward fold.
  • For better alignment, turn your thighs inward and firm-up from the heels.
  • Maintain a smooth and sustained breath while holding the pose to your level.
  • Feel free to sway your head from side to side, and crown pointing to the floor. Alternatively, rest your head on a yoga block.
  • Rise up with an inhale, place your hands on the sides and use the core to regain your upright standing posture.

Uttanasana increases blood circulation in your brain. Learn here how to do Uttanasana and its benefits.

What are the Precautions and Contradictions?

Here are a few precautions you must keep in mind before you do this asana. As my experience says, if you’re suffering from cervical spondylitis or a back injury, avoid any forward bend. At one side, these poses work fine to keep your back and neck healthy, yet should be avoided when already in pain and discomfort in these areas.

Also, avoid if you have asthma or diarrhea. Pregnant women must avoid practicing this asana after the first trimester or do it by taking support from a wall.

Also, avoid Uttanasana if you have the following problems:

  • Lower back injury.
  • A tear in the hamstrings.
  • Glaucoma or a detached retina.

If you have a back injury, do this asana keeping your knees bent. You can also do the Ardha Uttanasana by placing your hands on a wall, such that they are parallel to the floor. Make sure your legs are perpendicular to your torso.

Tips for beginners

 Basic Rules for this forward bend are not different than any other one on the row. Only try to stick with these few ones:

  • As a beginner, you must remember never to push yourself too far if you are not comfortable in a forward bend.
  • Inhale when you’re open.
  • Exhale to fold.
  • Avoid bulging your back.
  • Tilting of the leg is perfectly fine when doing Uttanasana.
  • Gradually, try straightening the knees without straining too much
  • Stay in the pose without hurting your neck or back.
  • Can use support like blocks beneath your head if you feel the tension in the neck area.
  • Let the prana (breath) flow effortlessly.
  • Your tight hamstrings might make it difficult for you to bend too much, it’s alright. With practice, your body will become far more flexible.
  • For maximum benefits, practice for 3- 5 minutes every day.


As a beginner, it might be hard to increase the stretch. To make it easier, gently bend your knees, and imagine the sacrum sinking deep into the back part of the pelvis. Now, decrease the distance between your tailbone and the pubis. As you feel the resistance, push the top part of your thighs back and press your heels down. Straighten your knees. But be sure you don’t lock your knees when you straighten them.

Advanced Version of the Uttanasana

For an intense and deeper fold, try inserting the palms of both the hands beneath the soles of your feet and create an intensified groin area. Try sending coccyx further up towards the sky.

To increase the stretch in the back and legs, lean forward, and lift your body on the balls of your feet as you pull the heels about half-inch off the floor. Pull the inner part of your groin into your pelvis. Then, from the groin height, lengthen your heels back on to the floor.

Health Benefits From Uttanasana

These are some amazing benefits of the Uttanasana.

  1. This asana gives your back, hips, calves, and hamstrings a good stretch.
    2. It calms your mind and relieves anxiety. It also helps quiet the mind.
    3. It helps relieve headaches and insomnia.
    4. This bend gives your digestive organs a good massage, thereby improving digestion.
    5. The kidneys and liver are activated.
    6. The thighs and knees become strong.
    7. Menopause and menstrual problems are alleviated.
    8. This asana helps cure high blood pressure, asthma, infertility, sinusitis, and osteoporosis.


Science Of Uttanasana–The Anatomy

Uttanasana stretches the complete back part of the body. It stretches from the heels to upper point of thighs. Then works on entire back region of your body, including neck, and crown of the head. In doing yoga postures like Uttanasana, a whole lot of muscles and connecting tissues are stretched and supplied with an abundance of blood and muscles.


Preparatory Poses

Mountain Pose

Janu Sirsasana

Follow-Up Poses

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Supta Padangusthasana

Winding Up- How To Do The Uttanasana

Thanks for accompanying me till here. I hope now you know well how to do Uttanasana. It’s always good to do it now what you read about anything. To best understand the theory, practical is the must. This way you absorb the very essence of your pose. In case of doubts, please let me know in the comment box below. If you are a yoga beginner, follow my step by step guide in yoga for beginners’ series.

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About Author

Rashmi is a certified Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer, Advanced Chakra Healer, Spiritual and PLRT Therapist, Yin Yoga And Pilates Instructor from India.

For result oriented health and nutrition coaching through Yoga and Reiki Healing in combination with other healing modalities, please check out Yogarsutra Healing Studio.

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