How To Do Vajrasana And What Are Its Benefits


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Have you noticed how the People of Japan sit when they are doing Zen meditation or in their traditional activities like a Tea ceremony? They sit on the floor with folded legs! In a manner, that their thighs rest upon calves and hips upon heels. Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Yoga pose has a very close resemblance with Seiza-a Japanese sitting style.

Explore Your Today’s Yoga Pose And Learn How To Do Vajrasana

How to do Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Yoga Pose.. #Vajrasana #DiamondPose

Probably all of us are aware that in order to perform yoga, we need to have our Stomach and bowels empty. But Vajrasana is an exception. This is the only pose which has to be done after a meal. Pose anatomy enables the blood circulation to the stomach area and blocking the same to the limbs. Thus boosting your digestive system naturally and instantly. Let’s explore some more before jumping to how to do Vajrasana.

Let’s Split This Pose- the Vajrasana

Vajra – Diamond or Thunderbolt, Asana – Pose

  • Vajrasana is done in a kneeling position, and it takes its name from the Sanskrit word Vajra, which means diamond or thunderbolt. Asana means pose.
  • This pose is also called Adamintine Pose. Usually, breathing exercises like Pranayama, Kapalabhati, and Anulon Vilom are done sitting in this pose or in Sukhasana. Ancient yoga gurus believed that an accurate and regular practice of this asana mends a body as strong as a diamond.
  • According to Hindu mythology, Vajra is the name of Lord Indira’s (God of Heaven) weapon which was as hard as a diamond. For this reason, it is also known as Diamond Pose.
  • One of the major nerves in the human body is also named Vajra Nadi ( nerve). Vajra Nadi is connected with the genitourinary system which is responsible for regulating sexual energy in the human body. Hence practicing this yoga pose for an extended duration of time may make a person control his/her sexual energy for spiritual aims.


As I already stated, why we should do Vajrasana after the meal. The exceptional quality of this pose makes it flexible for any time workout. Practicing Vajrasana immediately after a heavy meal prevents gastric trouble and helps alleviate the condition of constipation.

 Level: Beginners
 Style: Hath Yoga
  Duration: 3 to 5 Minutes
  Stretches: Ankles, Thighs, Knees, Hips
  Strengthens: Legs and digestive organs

How To Do The Vajrasana

1. Start from Cat and Cow pose.
2. Come to the kneeling position. Lower legs should stretch back.
3. Now, bend your knees and lower down so that your hips are resting on the back of the ankles and thighs on the backside of shin bone!
4. Make your big toes touching each other.
5. Next, sit erect and gaze forward. Place your hands near knees.
6. Calm down and close your eyes. Pay attention to your breath.
7. Inhale and exhale in rhythm without straining your legs and knees.
8. Initially stay there for 5 to 10 breaths.
9. Gradually increase your time in the pose as you gain strength and flexibility.

What are Precautions And Contraindications

Vajrasana is one of the safest poses to perform. Yet, yoga-novice sometimes may feel their ankles, calf, knees, and lower back burning. If so, immediately get out of the pose and switch to Staff Pose. Keep in mind the following points too-
1. This pose, Vajrasana is not for you if you have gone for a knee transplant or have a knee injury.
2. Pregnant women should avoid exerting any pressure on the abdomen area. Use a blanket or cushion between hips and calves.
3. Also, avoid this position in case of severe back pain, pain in the ankle or joint pain. In case of major issues, perform the diamond pose under the supervision of an experienced yoga teacher and consult with your doctor.

Tips for Beginners

As you first begin, within 5 minutes or so, Vajrasana may start talking to your knees, ankles, and back. And this is natural. Though a normal sitting position for the people of Japan, this pose doesn’t happen naturally to everyone. Start in 2 to 3 minutes chunks of time. Undo and sit comfortably. Pitter-patter your toes and ankles, massage your knees and calf muscles and breath yogis. Soon you will be better. Alternatively, switch to staff pose, rotate your ankles and then back to Vajrasana.

Advanced Variation of Vajrasana

Reclined Thunderbolt a. k. a. Supta Vajrasana will satiate your quest to step- up further, once you master the thunderbolt completely. From Vajrasana, bend back and place your elbow and forearms on the mat just behind you. Next, Curve your spine to send the crown on the floor. This pose is an excellent way to strengthen your neck and back but should be done cautiously, preferably under the guidance of a yoga instructor.

Health Benefits Of Vajrasana

How to do Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Yoga Pose.. #Vajrasana #DiamondPose

These are just a few, out of many amazing health benefits of the Vajrasana.

Strengthens pelvic muscles by injecting more blood in the pelvic region.
>Improves digestion and combats constipation, indigestion, and acidity.
>Stimulates spinal nerves; corrects rounded back and drooping shoulders.
>Regulates the functioning of reproductive organs and thyroid gland.
> Beneficial for people suffering from sciatica.
> Relieved in menstrual disorders.
>Useful for attaining spiritual gains and peace of mind.
> Regular practice of Vajrasana rejuvenates the whole body.
>Relieves piles and stomach disorders such as peptic ulcer, hyperacidity.


Science Of Vajrasana – The Anatomy

  1. According to the Dr. Vikrant Thakur and Dr. Vikash Bhatnagar MD scholar (Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Sharira Rachana, NIA, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India),
    Vajrasana alters the flow of blood in the pelvic and abdominal region and strengthens the pelvic and lower back muscles. Iliacus and psoas major muscles are most important for creating hip flexion in a classic sitting posture, Adductor muscles are most important to prevent it. Hence, Vajrasana strengthens the Iliacus and psoas muscles and gradually lengthen the adductors with prolonged adductor stretches.
  2. Flexibility and strength of the knee joint are increased by strengthening the muscles attached to the joint by this Asana. Longus Colli and Scalene muscles support the posture and increase the lift in the head and neck region. Erector spinae supported by quadrates lumborum muscles holds the back axis, increase and maintain the lumbar lordosis, flattening the thoracic kyphosis and providing a lift to that part of the vertebral column. Vajrasana strengthens and tones these muscles, so strengthens the back and pelvis.
  3. In sitting meditative pose, the body assumes the shape of the tetrahedron. It is this geometry of the meditative posture which provides so much stability. Blood travels from the bottom of the feet to the heart.
  4. When the you sit in Vajrasana, muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg get stretched and hamstrings got relaxed. Knee joint got flexed and both side muscles of thigh e.g. Gluteus muscles will share the weight. Therefore the circulation of blood in femoral artery and vein will be reduced.
  5. This reduction results in greater proportion of blood reaching in abdomen, pelvis, heart, head via branches of arteries celiac trunk, mesenteric and vertebral arteries which supply these organs. This results in increased arterial supply to the digestive system improves the capacity of various digestive glands thereby increasing the efficiency of the digestive system.


Preparatory Poses

1. Cat and Cow Pose
2. Child’s Pose

Follow-Up Poses

1. Downward Facing Dog Pose
2. Staff Pose
3. Butterfly Pose


Winding Up- How To Do Vajrasana

Thanks for accompanying me till here. This is everything I knew about today’s pose Vajrasana. Have you tried it earlier and found it intimidating? Never mind! I have been there once when I look several years back. Now Vajrasana doesn’t hurt me. Not 30 minutes, not even 20 minutes. I stay there for 5 minutes. But I follow it consistently. It does wonder for my sluggish digestive system.

Last thing Yogis! Stay motivated always. Stepping up a yoga mat may be a difficult task, doing yoga is fun. So what are you waiting for? Roll out your yoga mat and fold into Vajrasana… Thereafter, write to me in the comments box, how it feels to be there? Please don’t forget to share this wonderful thing with your friends, fans, and relatives. Share Buttons are nearby.

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Rashmi is a certified Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer, Advanced Chakra Healer, Spiritual and PLRT Therapist, Yin Yoga And Pilates Instructor from India.

For result oriented health and nutrition coaching through Yoga and Reiki Healing in combination with other healing modalities, please check out Yogarsutra Healing Studio.

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