How To Get A Super Flexible Spine: The Cat and Cow Pose


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Yoga For Beginners Series-3: The Cat And Cow Pose


Hi! I am really happy to see you in the yoga for beginners series-3. I hope you already been to yoga for beginners series-2. In case you missed, find it here. You will take just “2 steps transition” from the downward facing dog to the cat and cow pose.

While passing through the previous series, you must have observed that the motivation behind writing this series was the upcoming “The International Day Of Yoga”. So before shifting to the next yoga poses viz-The Cat And Cow Pose, let’s see some highlights of the Day.


The cat and cow pose



Yoga Wheels are the new fad inside the yoga circles. Check here everything about a yoga wheel and how to incorporate in your practice.



The celebration of the event International day of yoga is supported by various global leaders. It is celebrated by the people of more than 170 countries including USA, China, Canada, etc.

The day is celebrated on the international level by organizing the activities like yoga training campus, yoga competitions and so many activities to enhance the awareness about yoga benefits among common public all over the world.

The world yoga day is celebrated to let people know that regular yoga practice leads to the better mental, physical and intellectual health. It positively changes the lifestyle and productivity of the people and increases the level of well-being.


All members, observer states, United Nations system organizations, other international organizations, regional organizations, civil society, governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and individuals get together to celebrate the International Day of Yoga in a suitable manner according to the national priorities to raise the awareness about yoga.

The cat and Cow pose



Welcome! to the yoga for beginners series-3

In case you missed the series-1, where the prayer pose and the raised arm pose were discussed, you can find Here.

The hand to foot Pose and the downward facing dog pose were discussed in series-2, you can click to open Here.

For the next pose, you will take an easy transition from the downward facing dog pose to the cat pose in very simple steps!

The cat and cow pose (Marjaryasana) is an Excellent way to warm up and strengthen your spine. This is a breath-synchronized dynamic pose making flow from Cow Tilt to Cat Stretch. It has many powerful health benefits for the mind, body, and soul.

Cat and Cow yoga poses 

Your Fifth Yoga Pose-The Cow Pose

How to Do the cow poseYoga for beginners series-3. The Cow Pose.


  • Take transition from downward-facing dog pose to table-top pose, with shoulders over the wrists and hips over the knees.
  • Next place weight evenly through the hands, legs, and fingers
  • Keep your spine soft for Cow Tilt; start to inhale expanding the belly toward the floor.
  • Lift the gaze toward the third eye.
  • Send energy from the tailbone towards the neck as they tilt toward the sky.


Your Sixth Yoga Pose- The Cat Pose


How to Do the cat pose


Yoga for Beginners series-3. The CatPose


  • Start to exhale and push the belly button toward the spine and continue to lift towards the heart.
  • Hollow out the tailbone, make the chin to rest on the chest, and gaze toward the nose.
  • Complete 5-6 rounds of dynamic cat and cow pose or as many as you find comfortable doing.
  • Initiate movement from the tailbone and feel the energy flowing through the spine, neck, and head to create an ever dynamic movement.

PS: In case you’re too busy and don’t get time for the wellness tools like Yoga and Meditation, this book of mine on Office Yoga can help you to maintain your health and fitness. Further, I would appreciate you to be a part of my “newly formed wonderful community” and follow me on PINTEREST, FACEBOOK, and TWITTER.


 Conclusion- The Cat and Cow Pose

The #catpose and #cowpose or Marjariyasana is well known to maintain the flexibility of your spine and prevent you from neck and back pain.

As you can see that the cat and cow pose is a combination of two poses, the cat pose, and the cow pose. It prepares us for most activities as a warm-up session does. It does wonder in relieving lower back pain. This pose strengthens our bones also works well for neck and shoulder pain.

Same are also is recommended for the prevention of severe ailments like osteoporosis and osteopenia, arthritis or stiffness of the hips and spine.

However, if you are already suffering from any kind of bone-related disease please consult your doctor first. Researchers reveal that forward bends may harm the weak bones further.

So yoga poses involving a forward curvature should be avoided. A backward curvature is found to be safe and rewarding.

Related: Yoga For Beginners Series-4

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Yoga For Beginners: 2 Steps 2 Shine On The International Yoga Day

Yoga For Beginners Series-2: How To Do Yoga Like A Pro on International Yoga Day

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  • hema

    Yoga is not less than listening to a soothing Music. It helps to open up the Rhythm of the Body, The Melody of the Mind and Harmony of the Soul and Creates a Symphony in Life. ….Rashmi…….u r giving perfect knowledge in a perfect way……keep it up.

    • Excellent Hema! Defining yoga as the Rhythm of the Body, The Melody of the Mind and Harmony of the Soul and Creating Symphony in Life. You truly seem to be absorbed. Thanks for inspiring me to write more and better!

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About Author

Rashmi is a certified Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer, Advanced Chakra Healer, Spiritual and PLRT Therapist, Yin Yoga And Pilates Instructor from India.

For result oriented health and nutrition coaching through Yoga and Reiki Healing in combination with other healing modalities, please check out Yogarsutra Healing Studio.

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