Yoga For Beginners Series-4; The Plank Pose And The Diamond Pose


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 Your Next Poses In The Series-The Plank Pose And The Diamond Pose


The plank pose and the diamond pose



Hi! Welcome back! Thanks a lot for following up the Yoga for beginners series. I hope things went your way while following the previous three parts of the yoga for beginners series. This one i.e. the fourth part of the beginners series has next easy transitional poses viz. The Plank Pose and The Diamond Pose.

You will pick-up from where you left i.e. The Cat and The Cow Pose. This transition will take you just 2- easy steps to get into the diamond pose. The moment you detach your knees from the mat and stretch your legs and core parallel to the floor, you achieve the magical and versatile Plank Pose. 

In case you missed anything previously, can find right here-

Yoga for beginner series-1

Yoga for beginner series-2

Yoga for beginner series-3

Although I am writing this series as an evergreen guide for you, yet one more reason to start this series is the approaching “The International Yoga Day”. The above-stated parts of the series too, have valuable information about the Day. So please don’t miss the pieces if you intend to make a big picture!

International Day of Yoga: The History

Yoga is performed and celebrated all over the world as World Yoga Day or International Day of Yoga on 21st of June every year. Same was declared by the United Nations General Assembly on 11th of December in 2014.

The declaration was done after the call by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi to the United Nations General Assembly on 27th of September in 2014 during his address to the UN General Assembly.

He suggested the United Nations General Assembly for adopting 21st of June as an International Yoga Day to get all the benefits of yoga for the people all around the world.

The Prime Minister during his address to the UN General Assembly said that “Yoga is an invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition. It embodies the unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change. Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day.”



The Plank Pose and the diamond pose



Your Seventh Yoga Pose-The Plank Pose

The Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana) is an arm balancing yoga pose that tones the abdominal muscles while strengthening the arms and spine. Its name comes from the Sanskrit words “kumbhak,” which means “breath retention,” and “asana,” which means “pose.”



  • Take transition from the cat/cow pose to get into the plank pose.
  • Inhale and detach your knees from the ground.
  • Keep the arms perpendicular to the floor and the shoulders stacked over the wrists and the whole body parallel to the floor.
  • Press your outer arms inward and firm the bases of your fingers into the floor.
  • Firm your shoulder blades.
  • Spread your collarbones away from the*sternum.
  • Look down at the floor.
  • Let your gaze be soft and keep breathing normally.
  • Stay in the pose from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

 *Sternum- The Breast Bone


Your Eighth Yoga Pose-The Diamond Pose


The Diamond pose also known as Vajrasana is synonymous with the toughness achieved. You can say that the strength achieved is equivalent to one of the toughest matter on the earth- The Diamond.

Vajrasana (the diamond pose) stimulates the Vajra Nadi which enhances the digestion Process. Sitting in vajrasana obstructs blood flow to the lower part of the body i.e. thighs and legs. This results in an increased blood flow to the pelvic area and stomach. Hence your bowel movement and digestion becomes better. Sustained practice of the Vajrasana makes your lever healthy.

Most of the Yoga poses are practised on an empty stomach, but the diamond pose is an exception. You can safely perform the diamond pose after a meal and is more effective if performed immediately after a meal thus helping in proper digestion.




  • Take your transition from the plank pose to diamond pose.
  • Kneel down and stretch your lower legs backwards.
  • Keep your both legs together.
  • Let the big toes cross each other.
  • Gently lower your body so as your hips are resting on your heels and your thighs on the calf.
  • Place your hands on your knees, and look forward with your head absolutely straight.
  •  Be fully aware of your breathing by carefully inhaling and exhaling.

Conclusion-The Plank Pose And The Diamond Pose

Plank Pose and Diamond Pose

So you completed almost three-quarter of your journey. The transition from cat/cow to plank is very easy. Most yogis prefer the downward-facing dog pose as the before pose for the plank pose. That is also fine whereas I find my transition handier. And you are free to take your actionable transformations until it does not hurt the smoothness and suppleness of your practice.

The stillness in the plank pose may feel boring…also the toughest pose to hold, initially. So you can move your legs towards the respective hands one by one, as a mountaineer will do; Or alternatively, lift your hands to touch the shoulders one by one.

And the vajrasana may fell you like a knee-breaking one, at the beginning. You may add a folded towel/cushion beneath your hips to minimise the pressure on your ankles. When you become flexible enough to hold the vajrasana for a bit longer, you can perform some neck rotation or some face-exercises then and there …because the stillness is booooring …always!

All the best- “you in the plank and the diamond pose”.


How To Get A Super Flexible Spine: The Cat and Cow Pose

Yoga For Beginners Series-2: How To Do Yoga Like A Pro on International Yoga Day

Yoga For Beginners: 2 Steps 2 Shine On The International Yoga Day

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1 Comment

  • hema

    Yoga has glorified the India and Indians….your efforts are excellent.

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About Author

Rashmi is a certified Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer, Advanced Chakra Healer, Spiritual and PLRT Therapist, Yin Yoga And Pilates Instructor from India.

For result oriented health and nutrition coaching through Yoga and Reiki Healing in combination with other healing modalities, please check out Yogarsutra Healing Studio.

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