Face Yoga Poses For Facelift| How To Do Face Yoga For Younger You| Face Yoga Part I


Table of Contents

These face yoga poses for facelift can tone your facial muscles, nourish them with an abundance of blood and oxygen supply.

Even further, face yoga poses described here may effectively replace the surgeries like Botox and help you to get a slimmer face with a natural and cost-effective face-lift.

Face yoga for face lift. Which your Botox and plastic surgery and get a toned and slim face with these yoga postures.

I don’t know when it began but like so many other things, I found facial yoga on Pinterest

 That said, the credit for my face yoga ritual goes to the Pinterest.

Each morning when my alarm nooses and I don’t feel like leaving my bed, I lazily switch to the face yoga. 

In half-sleep, this ritual makes me fully awake and I feel rejuvenated without any side effects or wastage of time.


Are Face Yoga Poses For Facelift Work And Effective To Replace Botox, Plastic Surgery?



As in any other fitness regimen, exercising the muscles in your face can result in improved tone and slimness.

 But, you have to be committed. 

Because facial aging is caused by the muscle loss.

Committing to a routine  may strengthen those muscles, making the entire face look firmer and more youthful,” 



What Maybe Causing You Wrinkles


There are numerous factors or the combinations of all. 

While you have control over some, 

Some of them are under the strict control the of almighty.

We can’t interfere with them!


Check out these most significant factors causing you wrinkles and making your skin look aged.

Age Factor


While getting older may be a sure way of your swelling bank account and magnified intellect, it may cause you an abundance of wrinkles too!

As you age the skin loses its elasticity and may become fragile. 

Depleting sources of natural oils cause the skin to appear wrinkled…

Less amount of under skin fat means saggy skin and more pronounced lines


Ultraviolet Light Exposure


UV rays break down your skin’s connective tissues- collagen and elastin fibers which are found in the deeper layer of the skin called the dermis.

In the absence of the supportive tissues, your skin may lose strength flexibility, and suppleness and starts to sag and wrinkle prematurely.


Stress and Worries


Remember the time when you spent extra money while purchasing your favorite dress. 

Look into the mirror and trace some lines of stress.

Sometimes a depleting bank account may cause you more wrinkles than the depleting collagen.

Whatever the reason for stress, it is not good for your skin and overall health and wellness.

Research shows that the yoga can excellently manage your stress.


Habit Of Smoking

While you may be thinking of smoking as a stress buster, it may accelerate the aging process of your skin. 

Smoking affects collagen.

There are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, and many of them trigger the destruction of collagen and elastin. 

Since these fibers give your skin its strength and elasticity. 

Smoking or even being around the smoke “degrades the building blocks of the skin”, say experts. 

Tobacco smoke causes oxidative stress so that insufficient oxygen is supplied to the skin resulting in tissue damage.


Your Expressions And Emotions


All kinds of facial expressions, from smiling to frowning may cause you wrinkles and fine lines.

Remember,  your expressions are causing a little groove beneath your skin surface.

With time when skin loses all the flexibility it is unable to heal back that groove.

Creating a permanent groove!


Few Tips To Prevent Wrinkles


Protect your skin from sun and pollution


Keep yourself as much covered as possible when you step out.

Protective clothing, hooded hats goggles, masks can help you more than anything in preventing your skin from getting wrinkles.

Sun protection products are meant to protect against cancer and other health conditions.

Choose your skincare product with an SPF of more than 15.


According to the FDA, the use of a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or above, combined with other measures, such as wearing sunglasses and avoiding the midday sun, can help prevent skin aging, tanning, wrinkles, and cancer.

Sunscreens help protect the skin from potentially harmful UVB and UVA rays. 

UVB causes the skin to turn red, whereas UVA does not.

However, UVA can lead to photoaging, causing wrinkles. 

Both UVA and UVB increase the risk of skin cancer.

Also, If a product with a specific SPF effectively blocks UVB rays, the same does not guarantee UVA protection.

For this reason, it is important to look for a suitable SPF, and also a broad-spectrum or full-spectrum lotion.

Moisturize Well

A good quality moisturizer traps the moisture of your skin and helps to prevent the lines and creases.


Quit Smoking


First thing, It is never too late! 

Any damage caused by the years of habitual smoking can be healed by quitting.

 You can notice the difference within weeks. You’ll look younger and healthier with fewer wrinkles. 

Because smoking lowers the body’s ability to generate new skin.

People who smoke get wrinkles and show other signs of aging sooner. 

People who quit smoking have a better quality of life.


Drink Plenty Of Water

Consuming more water has the same effect internally what a moisturizer does externally.

Even More To Your Overall Health!

Drinking plenty of water is associated with a good digestive system which in turn improves your overall health and Wellness.

Eat A Healthy Diet


A diet rich in vitamins and minerals especially vitamin c helps to heal your skin and keeps it healthy.

Add plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to make your diet perfect and balanced.

The role of proper nutrition cannot be denied in the maintenance of good skin.

Read: 9 Immunity Boosting Fruits And Vegetables For Winters


Best Face Yoga Poses For Facelift


P.S.- Do these face yoga poses first thing in the morning with a well-moisturized face for the best results.


Lion’s breath

Lion's breath- face yoga for face lift

  • Sit in vajrasana or any other comfortable seated position.
  • Inhale and place your hands on the ground so that your fingers are towards your knees.
  •  Take a deep breath, and stick your tongue out as you exhale through your mouth. 
  •  Repeat 3 to 5 times.


Inflated Mouth

Inflated cheeks, face yoga for face lift and ditch your Botox

  • Take a deep breath from the nose.
  •  Inflate your mouth with the air so that your cheeks are feeling that stretch…
  • Press your nose with both the thumbs and get into chin lock that said- press your chin against the chest.
  •  Smoke out from your mouth. 
  • Two more times.


Air Squishing


  • Deep breath once again and fill your mouth with the plenty of air.
  • Feel stretch in your cheeks.
  •  Now rotate this air left, right, up, and down. 
  • You can also do this exercise with the water in your mouth to relax your eyes.


Eye Broadening

Eyes broadening

As we age, our muscles around the eyes tend to shrink, and skin sags. To overcome this, try this eyes broadening exercise. 

  • Very softly press the outer corners of your eyes with your forefingers and lookup.
  • Release and repeat.
  •  Eyes broadening yoga also helps to remove crow’s feet from the outer corner of the eyes.


Eyebrow lifting

Eyebrow lifting to shape your eyebrows and upper thigh area

Earth’s gravity pulls everything down and our eyebrows are not an exception. 

  • Make a victory sign with your middle and forefingers.
  •  Place on both the corners of the eyebrows and,
  •  Press up very softly. 
  • Repeat three to four times.


Eye Relaxing Message

Relaxing eyes massage face yoga

  • Tired eyes give a dull look.  Try this tapping routine to rejuvenate the area surrounding the eyes.
  • Use two fingers and tap in circular motions from down to up. 
  • Do it a few times to feel relaxed.


Forehead message

Forehead massage face yoga fore facelift technique

All the anger, frustrations, and stress seem to deposit in your forehead in the form of two lines called area of 11.

 If you don’t know what I’m talking about, just try focusing on something by stressing your eyes and then touching your forehead at the center just above the nose to feel that bulging area.

There are two lines on both the sides in the form of the number11.

  • Use the first three of your fingers to stretch the skin between the area of 11 back.
  •   Push it near your outer corner of the eyes.
  • You can also knuckle your fingers and then give a nice massage.


Sky Kissing

Sky kissing kind of face yoga

  • Sky kissing may prove to be a good replacement for the lips enhancement surgery. 
  • Just pout your lips and pretend to kiss the sky. 
  • Simultaneously press your collar bones to get rid of any wrinkles on the neck.
  • This works in two ways –giving fuller lips and a wrinkle-free neck.


Sidewall Kisses

Side wall cases or kiss on wall face yoga posture

Repeat your ‘kissing process’ while looking right and then left:)

This yoga exercise very beautifully defines your cheekbones and removes the wrinkles surrounding your lips.

Read: Yoga For Beautiful And Glowing Skin

Forehead Job


Last in this series is this forehead job. 


  • Place the first three fingers at the center of the forehead and push up emphasizing the area above your eyes. 
  • This will help to remove any kind of wrinkles from your forehead.


To understand better all the the face yoga poses and procedures please,

Watch The Video- How To Do Face Yoga For Face Lift



Wrapping Up- Face Yoga Poses For Facelift

Face yoga for face lift yoga poses

So, of course, face yoga is not invented in Yoga schools or by myself but whosoever did this innovation is harmless and brings a natural glow to the face by prov ing an abundance of blood circulation in the face and neck area. 


Always accompany your face yoga methods with the complete yoga sequence on the mat to get the maximum benefits.


So, embrace, and make these face yoga poses a routine to get the sculpted face of your dreams 😇


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About Author

Rashmi is a certified Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer, Advanced Chakra Healer, Spiritual and PLRT Therapist, Yin Yoga And Pilates Instructor from India.

For result oriented health and nutrition coaching through Yoga and Reiki Healing in combination with other healing modalities, please check out Yogarsutra Healing Studio.

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