Health And Nutrition Coaching Through Yoga And Reiki Healing

On Demand Customised Yoga And Reiki Healing Sessions Available

Rashmi is a certified Yoga Teacher, Reiki Healer, Advanced Chakra Healer, Spiritual and PLRT Therapist, Yin Yoga And Pilates Instructor from India.

For result oriented health and nutrition coaching through Yoga and Reiki Healing in combination with other healing modalities, please fill up the form below.

How Yoga And Reiki Healing* Sessions Work Towards Absolute Wellness

Yoga has power to revitalise us with its unique ability to combine breath with postures. Yoga works towards our absolute wellness by working on most kinds of lifestyle created chronic ailments.

Reiki on the other hand strengthens our emotional and energy bodies by penetrating the roots to heal completely.

*Healing comprises of Reiki, Spiritual, and PLRT Therapy

Hi, My Name Is Rashmi!

Rashmi Agrawal: Yoga Teacher And Reiki Healer

I am a health and nutrition coach from India.


I offer customised  online Yoga and Reiki Healing sessions via Zoom. These classes include beginner’s friendly Sequences, back pain and Chakra Yoga Sequences. Special one to one yoga class for students, senior citizens, and busy moms😊

If you are a female of any age group viz. a student, a working women, a house wife, pregnant, a menopausal, or an elderly, my services are for you if you want to come out from the situations like:

Chronic Physical Issues Healing

 I have successfully helped many women from coming up with chronic situations like:

Mental And Lifestyle Issues Healing

Not sure whether you should hire a health coach? Read this:

Why Do You Need A Health Coach?

If you are thinking that you are already in touch with a physician or a health worker, then why do you need to hire a health coach!

The truth is that even after a number of visits to the doctor and popping up tons of medicines, you are not able to improve your health conditions significantly!

I would guide you in the right direction by helping you to make decisions on your thought process, right food, and right exercise. Because…

Having a health coach does not only keep you accountable but also keeps you motivated.


 Promise To The Most Comprehensive Health And Nutrition Coaching Program

Make sure that it’s not going to be any health and coaching program.

It’s  comprehensive, customised and subtle

When it comes to your health, no one healing modality is sufficient to heal a disease or an issue. With number of holistic tools in my approach, I sometimes used many of these in combination which have given astonishing results. In your healing process, I will use the following yogic and healing techniques:


So if you want to lead a healthy life, improve quality of life, want to give undivided attention to your job, family, friends, and business without worrying about your physical and mental health…Please fill out the form below and I will be in touch shortly.

Describe your major issue, I will get back to you with a customised program! Please leave your name and email below-

You can also send me an email at:,  describing your issues in brief, I will get back to you within a working day. 

👼👼❣️I would appreciate you to be a part of my “newly formed wonderful community” and follow/subscribe me on PINTEREST, YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, and TWITTER.

Disclaimer: I am a healer not a doctor. The ‘healing and therapy sessions’ I provide aren’t a substitute for a medical treatment. “I never claim to cure a disease”. Please check my disclaimer page.

See what my friends and the people with whom I have worked say about my services:

Testimonials from the women like you


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"Get all seven chakra at one place."
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From our grand parents to our loving children, each of us may have an achy back. See in how many ways it can impact us! FIND THE YOGIC CURES!